Patch 1.bfs flatout 2
Patch 1.bfs flatout 2

Fix for the sorting of the list of multiplayer games.Fix for a hang when exiting the session at the same time as someone else is joining.Fix for derby hang, when all other players disconnect before the derby starts.Fix for joining games that are just about to start.following two files: patch & patch1.bfs 2. Fix for crash when refreshing the list of games Uaktualnienie (patch) do gry FlatOut 2 z gatunku Gry Wycigi, wersja v.1.2 EU/GER, data publikacji 2 padziernika 2006.Fixed the "-exportstats" commandline option.

Patch 1.bfs flatout 2

  • Speeded up joining when behind a NAT device.
  • Improved voice quality due to reduced lag.
  • Fixed overlapping texts in the voice settings dialog.
  • Fixed French and German translations of "chat".
  • Fixed a problem joining when the user is behind a NAT device.
  • Fixed crash in lobby, or loss of controls in the car selection screen.
  • Fixed a crash ingame that can happen in certain cases when a player disconnects.
  • Fixed hang when the user selects ready at the same time as the host changes game options.
  • Fixed problem in detecting the available bandwidth that causes major lag.
  • Patch 1.bfs flatout 2

    WARNING: If you experience any issues with this patch, uninstall the full game then browse your installed folder (by default this is C:\Program Files\Empire Interactive\ FlatOut2) and manually delete the following two files: patch & patch1.bfs Unzip all the files into the root of the installed folder (by default this is C:\Program Files\Empire Interactive\FlatOut2) and run the game as normal. Aug 2017 Reputation: 58 FlatOut 2 - BFS Manager has been renamed to FlatOut 2 Mod. Patch 1.2 für die europäischen Versionen von FlatOut 2 (auch für die dt. Daigo Nude Mod - Street Fighter V Dr-BlankPLS 50 18.

    Patch 1.bfs flatout 2