: No legacy enum constant for GRASS_BLOCK. Please beware - while generating, you may experience minor TPS loss (20->19)ġ/ 5, Version: 0.2_a : Fatal error trying to convert AetherGen v1.1:me/Logaaan/AetherGen/CustomGen.class If you want to add your own "normal" type tree, name your schematic "prefab_normal5", and in config.yml, set "prefab_tree_normal_count" to 5. If you want to add your own "normal" tree, look at least number. Set gold: false to disable gold ore spawning.Īll schematics, which are going to be generated are prefixed with "prefab_", followed by name of prefab. Ores: Amount - How many times generator will try to spawn ore. Allows full control over generated terrain! Chances: The bigger the number (chance), the less the chance is.Įxample: dungeon_chance: 1 will spawn dungeon literally everywhere, while dungeon_chance: 10 (default) will spawn dungeon only occasionally.Īmplitude, Frequency, Scale: Main config options for generator control.